World-wide technical services for LNG/LPG carriers.
Since the early 1970ties Turbo-Technik has gathered profound experience with LNG/LPG carriers. This includes the construction, repair and modification of spherical aluminum cargo tanks and refit of cryogenic equipment as well as the sophisticated repair of GTT membrane cargo tanks with latest welding technology.
Inspection, maintenance and repair of cargo equipment such as gas compressors, cargo pumps and safety valves are carried out by trained specialists world-wide.
Additionally, Turbo-Technik is your reliable partner concerning propulsion systems, when for instance engines, boilers, condensers, turbo alternators, main turbines and gears need to inspect, overhauled or repaired.
Especially for retrofit of marine equipment such as CTS/tank level gauge systems, ballast water treatment systems and many other Turbo-Technik can handle the entire scope of work from detailed engineering to turn key installation.
Many local and international shipyards use Turbo-Technik as their preferred supplier and reliable partner for sophisticated ship repairs on LNG and LPG carriers.
Numerous international marine machinery manufacturers have appointed Turbo-Technik because of its after sales-service and spare-parts supply. Especially when maintenance and repairs have to be carried out outside of shipyards and drydocks. Turbo-Technik can execute seagoing repairs also as pre- and post drydocking service and thus shorten the offhire period. Makers trained service engineers and skilled workers are available world-wide to keep your ship sailing.
Steam turbines and turbo machinery
Inspection, maintenance and repair of HP/LP turbines and auxiliary turbines of all brands and sizes can be carried out. Experienced service engineers available for world-wide assistance during drydocking.
The reconditioning services, including re-blading of rotors and stator segments, fabrication of blades, rotors, labyrinths, bearings, diaphragms, seals and even casings are carried out in the workshop in Wilhelmshaven as per sample and in accordance with makers instructions.
LNG cargo and spray pumps
Inspection and overhaul inside spherical and membrane cargo tanks for Carter, Ebara and Shinko LNG cargo pumps. Removal and overhaul in workshop, renewal of worn parts, reconditioning and repair, balancing, as well as megger test and exchange of power supply cables.
LNG membrane cargo tanks

Turbo-Technik is fully licensed and trained by GTT – Gaztransport & Technigaz for the sophisticated construction, repair and maintenance of NO and MARK membrane type cargo tanks with the latest welding technology.
GTT trained welders and fitters are available with specialized equipment for owners and shipyards world-wide. Supply of tank bottom protection in accordance with GTT. Supply of tank bottom protection in accordance with GTT requirements is available.
LNG spherical aluminum cargo tanks
Newbuilding, repair and modification of spherical LNG cargo tanks of Moss and Conch methane types. Retrofit of CTS and cargo equipment. Special welding and plasma cutting equipment available. The welders are trained and approved by major classification societies.